is a web based service to allow to monitor processes acoustically, to provide "ambient awareness without effort" [1]. Through an API, events can be streamed to the service which turns those events into sound. Defining those events happens by the user in the back end. Different languages are documented to send events to, such as Shell languages, Python, Ruby, Node.Js, PHP, C#, Java and Clojure. The resulting sonification is available online and therefore can be accessed from any machine.
The sound design is given by and specifies three different event types: good, neutral and bad. Two different sound sets are available ("submarine" & "bloob").
Sounds available for the three emotions given by |
It seems that individual sound design is not yet possible to implement. All auditory events appear to be static and sound icons don't seem to be able to change dynamically to an events' severeness. Hence, all events are technically treated as binary events.
An impressive example and prove of concept is available on the project's website: A live sonification of GitHub events.
GitHub events sonification by |
1. 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 28 Nov 2013].
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